Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Trailers and gameplay, now!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be out in November but you can enjoy today what it’s going to be like!

Here’s the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 official trailer:

User Matroix loaded on Youtube what seems an almost complete New York mission for COD:MW3.

Check it out for yourself, check your ammo and visit NY like never before!

Like the mission, the 3D enviroment and, finally the Drone weapon!

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 – get bad, get ready, get it now! (for PS3, Xbox 360 and geared up PCs).

In a nutshell, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 features a single player mode that’s well paced with good AI and a rewarding sense of freedom in combat, and the multiplayer one continues this with a team-based game that’s pretty much unmatched on the platform.

There’s no doubting DICE’s expertise when it comes to multiplayer shooters. Its unique style with maps and vehicles puts it amongst the very best of the best, with the likes of Infinity Ward and Bungie amongst its peers. Unlike Halo and Call of Duty though, the Battlefield series is yet to wow us with a genre defining single-player experience. While Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (on previous-gen machines) and the original Bad Company both featured standalone single-player campaigns, both fell well short of the kind of gameplay we’ve come to expect of the Master Chief or Sergeant ‘Soap’ MacTavish.

The plot of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has the same squad of misfits within “Bad Company” attempting to prevent a nasty Russian (who bears a striking resemblance to Lazarevic from Uncharted 2) from acquiring a long-lost superweapon. I’m actually a bit sad that it’s so straightforward this time, unlike the previous game’s “Three Kings: The Video Game” approach. But it’s a serviceable story along the same lines as Predator, Commando, or The Rock. If you think too hard about plot holes and leaps of logic, then you’ll get annoyed, but if you just accept the spectacle the moment-to-moment firefights bring, then you should be fine.

Combat has a sandbox sensibility to it. The terrain deformation and destructible buildings combine with some very large spaces to present you with a host of options for each battle, resulting in a great sense of unpredictability. Enemies in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 can (and will) destroy cover and buildings just as willingly as you and your squadmates, and on normal difficulty presented a good challenge that seems as though it’s been toned down from the machine-like precision players complained about in the first game.

Get now Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for US $56.99, ready and armed!

Madden NFL 11: what to expect from the upcoming hit title?

There is no doubt that Madden NFL 10 was the best Madden title in this current generation of consoles.
Much like NCAA online gaming plays a big role in determining what we are going to see in next year’s title.

EA Sports let out a few random pieces of information about Madden NFL 11 at their Season Opener event tonight in San Francisco. During a lengthy presentation about sports franchises the sports conglomerate made it very clear that they’re listening to fans, both on forums and through online data tracking services when constructing this year’s flock of titles. The most interesting points in the slew of information had to do with the length of games in Madden NFL 10 and how the company is going to try and make this year’s game a “simpler, quicker and deeper experience.” While I won’t try to decipher how they’ll go about making football both simpler and deeper, it’s clear that they’re going to try and speed up the traditional game of football for Madden NFL 11.

The average game took 63 minutes in Madden NFL 10, despite the fact that players were only playing football for 17 of those minutes. EA Sports promised that they’ll deliver a faster experience in Madden NFL 11 for those who want to sit down and play for a few minutes and then get up and move on to the next activity. They gave no indication of how this would be accomplished, but if I was a betting man, I’d wager that they’ll be adding a “hurry up” option to the list of presentation settings similar to what we see in this year’s crop of MLB titles.

Another interesting factoid had to do with playcalling. Madden NFL 10 included 330 plays. The average user used 13 of them. I’m not exactly sure how they’re going to get people to explore the playbook, but some sort of simplification is clearly needed.

Pre order now Madden NFL 11 here!

Nintendo DSi XL arriving: just a larger screen or something more (like a Classic Books App)?

Nintendo confirmed last November about a big display Nintendo DSi XL handheld console and now it’s going to be available next month.
Bearing a 4.2-inch screen that is 93 percent bigger in comparison to the original DSi, Nintendo will bring Nintendo DSi XL on March 28 in North America. Business Week reported that Nintendo will also push the ebook reader for the handheld console. Just like Sony gifted Comic Store to PlayStation Portable, Nintendo will bring a book store for DS owners.

With books for Nintendo DSi XL, the company in a way will compete with several existing players like Amazon (Kindle DX), Sony (Reader and PSP), Apple iPad Tablet, Barnes & Noble (Nook), Notion Ink (Adam) and so on. A downloadable package dubbed ‘ 100 Classic books’ is the App that is being talked about and will be released through Wii channels on June 14 for $20 (Rs. 960 approx.). We still have to wait for the list of books and novels included in these 100 Classic collection.

On the other end, Apple iPad Tablet is due to arrive by next month which too acts as eBook reader. And with 4.2-inch screen even DSi XL can serve as a good ebook reader just like many use iPhone albeit not for prolonged hours. If more ebooks are made available for DSi XL, then it may attract the casual gamers, who can also use it for reading some good titles. Apart from that, DSi XL will also have Opera mobile browser for surfing the web.

Similar handheld devices capable of more than the basic function like gaming make the choice wee bit difficult for consumers. Sony offers Comics on the PSPgo and now DSi XL will bring ebook reading capability. Are we heading for an eBooks vs digital comics clash in the near future? May be. But before that, let’s wait for the Nintendo DSi XL handheld console to arrive.

The new Nintendo DSi XL is priced at US $189.99 and available for pre-order now!

BioShock 2 for PS3, XBox 360 and PC: ready, armed and waterly lethal!

The BioShock team has pulled off another masterpiece. One that expands the mythology, but doesn’t lose any of the mystery. One that introduces fascinating new settings and characters, but doesn’t forget or neglect those previously established. One that gives the player devastating new power, but balances that with devastating new fear. One that takes chances and makes changes, but almost always for the better.
Thev’ve pulled off Bioshock 2!

Bioshock 2 begins as you take control of one of the first Big Daddies, a prototype called Delta, who must find his way across the Rapture of 10 years later in search of Eleanor, the Little Sister to whom he was bonded. Along the way he is taunted by Lamb, who believes he is nothing less than a threat to the future of humanity, and like his predecessor in the first game the people he meets on the way help to explain his past, while your behaviour towards them has the potential to define the future.

Once again you are equipped with plasmids and standard weapons, but now you can use both at once, loosing genetic powers with one hand and regular projectiles with the other. You can cycle between alternatives in each category, or pause the action momentarily to change your loadout through quick-to-use radial menus. As a Big Daddy you have access to new weapons, too, including a drill, a magnificent spear gun that pins enemies to walls by their appendages, and a grenade launcher the size of a filing cabinet.

The weapons are better. The plasmids are better. The enemies are better. At some points, even the storytelling is better. What’s most amazing and surprising about Bioshock 2, however, is that by diving deeper into Rapture’s tortured history and exploring more of Rapture’s haunted world, it actually manages to make the original BioShock better, too.

Get into Bioshock 2 now, it retails (even underwater) for less than US $ 59.99 (check latest price!)

Sands of Destruction for Nintendo DS: fight tiranny in an unconventional fanstasy worlds!

The American release of World Destruction-SEGA presents Sands of Destruction DS.
In a struggle to rid their planet of tyranny, a group of warriors seeks the power to destroy the world.

Sands of Destruction DS, an epic RPG created by the all-star Japanese developers at ImageEpoc, takes you through an epic adventure in a world surrounded by a sea of sand. In Sands of Destruction, a race of powerful beastmen known as the Ferals rule over the human population with tyranny and prejudice. A group of warriors, the World Annihilation Front, believe their only option for ending the corruption of the Ferals is to end the world as they know it.

This intense game puts gamers in control of an intriguing cast of characters including the crusading Morte Ashera as well as Kyrie Illunis, who unknowingly holds the key to global destruction. Gamers will explore a fantastic world, traveling across oceans of sand, battling colossal enemy monsters and unraveling the mystery of the creation of the world. Immerse yourself in dynamic battles taking up both the top and lower screens of the DS and an epic storyline with a twist, in this action-packed fantasy RPG exclusively on the DS

Sands of Destruction DS is available now for US $ 34.99, hurry up the fight has began!

Hands on with Brothers in Arms II for the iPhone

The Brothers in Arms series of World War II combat simulators have stood out on other platforms including the Wii, Xbox, Playstation, and PC for their focus on strategy, realistic combat, and ability to immerse the player into a larger narrative. Gameloft, which has already enjoyed a string of best-selling combat games, is seeking to further establish its reputation in the iPhone and iPod touch market with Brothers in Arms II. Gameloft should put you in combat boots in the coming weeks for a likely launch price of $7.

I sat down with Elvin Glee, Gameloft’s public relations manager, to get a firsthand at this GI-approved title. The first thing I noticed was how fully realized the game seems to be. I’ve often been frustrated by the one-dimensional nature of Gameloft combat offerings such as Modern Combat: Sandstorm and Terminator Salvation, but BiAII’s is much more immersive and complete.

The action gets up close and personal in Brothers in Arms II, coming soon to the iPhone and iPod touch.
During the cut scenes, the camera cinematically shifts between first and third person view—an ability you also have in game. You’ll be able to toss grenades, snipe with a scope, take cover, and even sprint to avoid fire. In the game’s tutorial, my character was about to be executed by some Japanese soldiers when a buddy sniped my would-be killers. The camera then shifted from first person to third, and the mission began.

brother in arms iphone 2010Another mission has you hop into a tank and take on German half-tracks and panzer tanks as you assault a Nazi base. While there’s plenty of running and shooting in Brothers in Arms II, Gameloft seems to be paying greater attention to the overall experience. There’s a cover system, more varied missions, and Allied artificial intelligence—in short, you feel like you’re part of the action.

More cinematic and smoother transitions between missions hopefully will lead to a more cohesive experience, but so will more content. Glee informed me that Brothers in Arms II will feature nine weapons—including rifles, machine guns, and many other authentic firearms from the era. The iPhone game will feature five campaigns, with theaters of war ranging from the Pacific to the European and back, with different tasks and characters in each.

If the game looks vastly different than the previous version of Brothers in Arms for the iPhone, it’s because Gameloft built it from the ground up and used completely new code. The improved graphics are noticeable—the backgrounds are much more detailed than previous Gameloft shooters and the vehicles, bunkers, and explosions are all impressively rendered on the iPhone’s screen.

Glee claims that Gameloft have improved its voice acting and writing for this title, though I didn’t see any evidence of that during my demo. Hopefully the dialogue and writing will be improved over Modern Combat, a game that was apparently written by Gameloft’s French development office as a cruel joke on American action flicks.

The theaters of combat in Brothers in Arms II range from Europe to the Pacific.
As you progress in Brothers in Arms II’s seven-hour plus single player campaign, saves will be performed on a checkpoint system. While some players may groan at having to replay especially difficult segments of mission until they pass, others will welcome not having to save the game every few moments for fear of getting a phone call or having to exit the game for some reason.

Gameloft is also working on a multiplayer component that will allow you and up to seven others to compete head to head as either Allies or Axis soldiers in battle for control in four theaters of war.

Though no launch date has been set for Brothers in Arms II, WWII enthusiasts and combat simulator fans should be looking for the title in the app store in the coming weeks.

[Via MacWorld]

To Hell and back – maybe: Dante’s Inferno for PS3, Xbox 360 and PSP

Dante’s Inferno is available at last for PS3, XBox 360 and PSP, but who really dares?

In Dante’s Inferno, players assume the role of Dante as he travels on an epic descent through Dante Alighieri’s nine circles of Hell – limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. Players assume the role of Dante, who descends into Hell after returning home to find his beloved Beatrice murdered, with Lucifer seducing her soul into the underworld. His mission is to save Beatrice, but he soon realizes he is also in Hell to face his own demons and ultimately to redeem himself.

To take down the demons of Hell, Dante is outfitted with two primary weapons: the Scythe he takes from Death and the Holy Cross given to him by Beatrice, which has spiritual powers that will help Dante collect souls and spells from the creatures he defeats on his journey. The game also features a deep upgrade system so gamers can customize their abilities to their specific gameplay style. Each circle showcases its own distinct look, with demons, monsters, damned and geography that are crafted straight from the poem’s vivid descriptions.

Key Game Features

  • Epic story adapted from the first book of the Medieval Italian classic The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri.
  • Nonstop action as you fight through Dante’s allegorical nine circles of hell.
  • Wield the power of Death’s soul-reaping scythe.
  • Beautiful fast-paced action and intense combat rendered at 60 frames-per-second.
  • Choice-based finishes with enemies that allow players to punish the damned, or absolve them as they are defeated.
  • Over 60 weapons, magic and combo upgrades and modifications.
  • Huge destructive, ridable mounts that can be taken from defeated enemies.

Dante’s Inferno is available now for $56.99 (order quickly and save 5% with FREE Super Saver Shipping).

MX vs ATV Reflex for PSP: become the Rider!

MX vs ATV Reflex marks the highly anticipated return of the best-selling off-road racing franchise. Merging familiar arcade style features like the franchises trademark over-the-top, multiple vehicle type off-road racing and trick gameplay, with new features like 4-player multiplayer support, the all-new Rhythm Racing 2.0 physics engine and the revolutionary Rider Reflex control system, Reflex is positioned to take the lead in 2009 amongst off-road racers on the PlayStation Portable (PSP) platform.

Similar to earlier games in the MX vs. ATV series, gameplay in Reflex revolves around multiplayer racing (4-player), across a wide variety of off-road race event types.
These events encompass everything from motocross, supercross, omnicross and others and also feature a high level of trick completion, judged with several parameters in mind. Vehicles used in the races run the gamut from specific MX bikes, and ATVS, to super buggies and trucks. Gameplay in the dirt-covered environments faced require skill and guts to master. Along with the new Rhythm Racing 2.0 physics engine, MX vs. ATV: Reflex helps players achieve in these areas with a new control scheme, Rider Reflex.

Get MX vs ATV Reflex now! Available for US $ 27.99 (and save 7%!)!

PSP Avatar: the movie and the game for PSP!

James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game allows you to step inside the world of the feature film and go deep into the heart of Pandora and its people. Choose to fight for either RDA or the Na’vi, arming yourself with any of dozens of customizable weapons and a variety of clan-specific skills. Acquire new skills as you advance through the game, giving your all in the epic battle for a planet and a people.

Avatar Game Key Features:

  • Become immersed in the world of the Avatar feature film, viewing James Cameron’s universe from your own perspective
  • Take your stand in a raging conflict, fighting either for the indigenous Na’vi or the resource-hunting RDA Corporation
  • Arm yourself with any of more than 60 total RDA and Na’vi weapons, customizing them for your own use
  • Prepare yourself for battle by choosing any of 20 skills for each clan
  • Design your own character and acquire new skills as you make your way through the game
  • Participate fully in the conflict, even driving all the vehicles and riding the animalsBased on James Cameron’s film, the game takes you deep into the heart of Pandora, an alien planet that is beyond imagination. Gamers encounter the Na’vi, Pandora’s indigenous people and discover creatures and other wildlife the likes of which have never been seen in the world of video games before. When conflict erupts between the RDA Corporation, a space-faring consortium in search of valuable resources, and the Na’vi, players find themselves thrust into a fight for the heart of a planet and the fate of a civilization.

    Get now Avatar for US $36.99 (You Save: $3.00 – that’s 8% off)!

  • Looking for danger? Power fight? Your choice is Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines PSP Pack!

    The PSP Pack Limited Edition Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines Entertainment Pack brings together the latest hardware revision of the PlayStation Portable (PSP), with action, adventure, ancient intrigue and overall digital entertainment like you never thought possible. The Bundle includes a “Pearl White” PSP-3000 system, a copy of Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines in UMD format, a 2GB Memory Stick PRO Duo, an “Angels & Demons” PlayStation Store downloadable movie voucher* and a Sony Music Voucher for 10 downloadable songs.

    Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines played a PSP-3000. Both included in the PlayStation Portable 3000 Limited Edition Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines Entertainment PSP Pack

    Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines on PSP is the first Assassin’s Creed game on the PSP. It follows the story of Altair right after the events of Assassin’s Creed as Altair tracks down the last Templars who fled the Holy Land and retreated to the Island of Cyprus. The world of the assassin is one cloaked in shadow and steeped in danger. Ensnared in a web of revenge and conspiracy, the assassin embraces power at its most elemental, acting as the dividing line between life and death. As an assassin confronted by perilous new challenges and difficult choices, what path will you choose?

    Bloodlines Features Integrated with Those of Assassin’s Creed II

    Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines contains several bonus features integrated with the PlayStation 3 version of Assassin’s Creed II through a USB link between the two systems. Players who own both games can collect “Templar Coins” in Bloodlines and exchange them for Assassin’s Creed II currency, as well as collect weapons from defeated targets and play with those same weapons in Assassin’s Creed II. Through that same USB connectivity, blade and health upgrades found in Assassin’s Creed II can be transferred to Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines, making for the ultimate Assassin’s Creed gaming experience on both platforms.

    2GB Memory Stick PRO Duo
    With 2GB of memory, the compact Memory Stick PRO Duo allows you to save your PlayStation Network downloads, as well as store your videos, photos, music and more.

    The PSP Pack comes for US $ 199, if you dare to face Altair’s dangers!

    Dynasty Warriors Online heading to PS3

    Sony platform getting new online freebie at TGS Like your hacking and slashing online? Tecmo Koei could have just the thing for you, the publisher confirming that Dynasty Warriors Online – previously confirmed as a PC title – is also set for the PS3. The new online title, one of just a handful on the way to Sony’s console, was confirmed at the Tokyo Game Show.

    Analyst: EA Betting Big On Online For Long-Term Growth

    Electronic Arts views traditional retail business models as “somewhat outmoded,” especially with the current console cycle’s high prices, and is looking to online models as the industry’s “single largest long-term growth driver.”

    That assessment of the company’s position comes from Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian, who recently visited EA to get a bead on the publisher’s current …

    Nintendo Wii Officially Gets 199-Dollar Price Tag: what are you waiting for?

    Nintendo has dropped 50 dollars from the price tag of the Nintendo Wii gaming console!

    Cammie Dunaway, who is the executive vice president of sales and marketing at Nintendo of America, stated that, “Wii has reached more video game players than any game system before because it attracts everyone – both men and women, and people of all ages. Our research shows there are 50 million Americans thinking about becoming gamers, and this more affordable price point and our vast array of new software mean many of them can now make the leap and find experiences that appeal to them, whatever their tastes or level of gaming experience.”

    Nintendo is saying that, despite the reduced price, buyers will still get the same package, consisting of a gaming console, a Wiimote, the Nunchuk and the video game Wii Sports. To get the most out of their gaming rigs, players might want to pick up a second Wiimote, maybe one or two Motion-Plus add-ons, and even a Classic Controller.

    It seems a bit of a missed opportunity for Nintendo. The price cut is nice in itself, but the manufacturer could have also introduced the Motion Plus as part of the package, to make sure that all the players who picked the console up from then on could enjoy the better motion tracking, or it could have opted to replace Wii Sports with the newer and more interesting Wii Sports Resort. Still, the new price point of 199 dollars means that the Wii will get a boost in sales beginning with late September, probably holding its lead on the PlayStation 3 Slim and the Xbox 360 Elite, which both retail for 299 dollars.

    Get your Nintendo Wii (with Wii Sports) right now for US $ 199.99!

    What’s best for your Wii?

    Wii Sports Resort!

    Set off on a journey to a tropical island where an array of fun activities await. In Wii Sports Resort, the sequel to the engaging Wii Sports, you’ll discover a wide range of new sports and activities you can play anytime. Go head-to-head with your friends and family in the ultimate sports showdown set in a tropical paradise.

    Wii Sports Resort retails for less than US $ 49.99!

    Rabbids for Nintendo DS and DSi soon available: get ready for rabbit madness near you!

    Ubisoft announced a Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi video game system installment for its upcoming comedy-adventure, Rabbids Go Home.
    The Nintendo handheld version features the same zany storyline as its Wii counterpart, but will feature a different gameplay experience unique to DS. Players will solve a variety of puzzles and brain teasers in an effort to collect as much stuff as they can to build a giant pile all the way to the moon.
    The game will also feature an intuitive Level Editor, allowing players to create their own puzzles and share them with other gamers for more Rabbids adventures. Nintendo DSi owners will be able to use the Nintendo DSi Camera to take pictures and customize them with funny Rabbid animations.
    Rabbids Go Home for Nintendo DS is scheduled to release Holiday 2009.

    The Rabbids first comedy-adventure will take them to the moon or bust! Those crazy Rabbids have an infallible plan: collect all the human stuff they can find, heap it onto a giant pile and literally climb home to the moon. But not so fast! The Humans revolt, unleashing the Verminators whose only objective is to exterminate the Rabbids. Rabbids Go Home game features include:

    • The Rabbids First Puzzle-Adventure Game: The Raving Rabbids, using a shopping cart, will have to solve the puzzle of each level and collect as much stuff as they can to build a giant pile to their home… the moon!
    • Same storyline as the Wii version, different gameplay: The game features a true story mode, including hours of puzzle-based gameplay.
    • Stir up funny chain reactions in 150 brain teasers based on physics and funny Rabbids characters. The goal is to lead a shopping cart to the Toilets, collecting as many maximum resources as possible on the way.
    • 15 tricky levels to actually build a huge pile to the moon: Test your reflexes and your skills with the stylus!
    • Challenge mode: Four delirious challenge modes of 20 levels each, apart from the story mode and with different rules and objectives. Create hilarious situations by getting rid of those Raving Rabbids or making them fly! But be careful to not miss the TV show.
    • Unique art direction: Encounter a cast of colorful, oddball characters (humans, Verminators, dogs, etc.) and explore a remarkable parody of the modern world!
    • Exclusive level editor: Create your own puzzles and share them with your friends and the whole RGH community! Also download other players’ puzzles for hours of additional gameplay.
    • My Rabbids (only on Nintendo DSi): Use the camera to take a picture, and customize it with funny Rabbid animations to make your friends laugh!

    For more information about Rabbids Go Home, visit the official website:

    PROTOTYPE for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC: get ready for a completely new gaming experience!

    Prototype lets gamers feel the power of being the ultimate shape-shifting weapon
    No conspiracy here… we promise…
    Activision Publishing, Inc. confirmed that the long-awaited open-world action thriller video game Prototype will ship on June 9th!

    You are the PROTOTYPE, Alex Mercer, hiding in human form. You step out onto the streets of New York with no memory, but limitless power. As a terrifying viral epidemic sweeps across Manhattan, top-secret Black Watch Special Forces move in, transforming it into a war zone. Delve into the mysteries of your origin, the true nature of your power and your part in a conspiracy 40 years in the making.

    Fast and deadly combat: Shape-shift your body to the situation at hand … from claws to blades to hammers to whips, as you choose the right weapon for the situation. Change to shield or armor for defense or use advanced sensory powers (thermal vision, infected vision) to track your enemies.
    Over-the-top locomotion: Seamlessly and fluidly bound from building to building, run up walls, bounce off cars and everything in your path. Adaptive parkour lets you move freely through the open-world environments of New York City.

    Unique disguising abilities: Consume anyone at anytime, take on their appearance and assume their memories and special abilities.
    Prototype features Deep conspiracy-driven storyline: Wake up with no memory of the past … just mysterious powers and a link to a town in Idaho. Delve into the mysteries of your origin, the true nature of your power and your part in a conspiracy 40 years in the making.

    [PG 13 Warning! may not be suitable for under 13]

    Price is US $ 59.99, if you dare!